13 Fun & Creative Ideas To Surprise Your Boyfriend / Husband

13 Ways To Surprise Your Husband Or Boyfriend With A Gift Or Idea He’ll Remember Forever

Romantic and Creative Ideas to Surprise Your Boyfriend or Husband

In this article you will learn:

  • How to surprise your boyfriend or husband with a unique idea that he’ll never forget.
  • The key factors for completely blowing a man’s mind when it comes to surprises.
  • The most romantic way to surprise your man (either on his birthday, or for no reason at all), and give him the best day of his life.
  • The simple surprise you can give a man to make him fall in love with you so deeply that he wants to stay with you forever.
  • How to surprise him in such a way that it stands out from all other gifts, presents, and experiences he’s ever had.

How to surprise your man with a gift or idea that stands out from everything he’s had before…

How to surprise your boyfriend or husband with a creative and attentive idea that he will absolutely love

Whatever the reason is why you want to happily surprise your man.

There doesn’t always have to be one. The most important thing is that he absolutely loves it and doesn’t see it coming, right?


It’s time to think about the most romantic, creative, and fun ideas to surprise your husband or boyfriend

It's time to think about the best surprise gifts and ideas for your husband or boyfriend

You want it to be better than anything his ex-girlfriends have ever done for him before.

But what exactly can that be? How can you come up with something so amazing that it’ll blow his mind and make him fall in love with you?

Your friends are all giving you okay suggestions. But if you’re honest with yourself…

They don’t know what they’re talking about because they don’t know what your man likes, and you know for example that he has gotten surprised badly in the past.

Even when you ask HIS friends, they don’t have a clue what to give him.

I’ve no idea,” they say.


That means you’ll have to come up with something yourself or send me an e-mail 😉

Just like Bianca did.

Bianca told me how she was out of ideas about how to surprise her husband. She had thought of everything there was to think of. But nothing seemed fitting or was something he would like…

She was out of ideas, she said. So now I could give it a shot.

And since I’m not the worst at this kind of thing (it’s actually my job to give advice and Bianca was the 5,938th this week).

I’ll explain to you in this article how to best surprise your husband or boyfriend.

Feel free to use them as a gift or idea to surprise him on his birthday, or for no reason at all.

I’m certain that if you surprise him with some of the best of these ideas, he’ll absolutely love you and be forever grateful.

How can I be so sure?

Because I’ve coached thousands of men and know exactly how they think, that’s why.

I know what drives men, and also what they hate.

It may sound complicated, but it’s not.

Before I present the surprise ideas to you, let’s back up a little bit…

Men are very different from women in what they like and don’t like in surprises.

And it’s important to take that into account when you want to amaze him with your gift.

First, let’s clear up the biggest misunderstanding when surprising a man:

The biggest misconception about surprising a man, and what gifts men actually like

Men are actually very simple human beings:

Unlike women, men don’t look at how much effort you’ve put into your surprise.

The most important thing is that we can do something with the gift. Either a joyful experience or that it’s something that makes us feel better about ourselves.

If it falls into these two categories, then it’s great. If it doesn’t, then it doesn’t interest us that much.

And how much effort you’ve put into arranging the surprise doesn’t matter. At least not so much that it’s worth focusing on it.

“But Tim, how is that possible? I think making an effort is wonderful”

Yes, I understand that. But you are a woman and he is not.

Here’s what making an effort means to a woman

There’s a fundamental difference in mating rituals (yes, that’s the scientific term), between men and women.

A man shows through his efforts that he wants to invest emotionally in the relationship. That’s important to a woman because:

If a man isn’t emotionally invested in her, it means she’s not sure he’ll stay with her when she gets pregnant.

And in prehistoric times, that meant she was in big trouble.

That’s why a woman loves it when a man spends days putting together a gift for her, or goes through an enormous amount of trouble buying something for her.

It’s very stimulating for a woman when her man is emotionally invested and does his best for her…

And since you love him, you obviously hope he wants to stay with you forever. And because he is doing his best for you, you know that to be true.

Men on the other hand are very different. We have two motives, which are related to the short term and the long term.

In the short term, we mainly want to experience things that we find pleasant, which makes us feel good about ourselves. (By feeling good about ourselves I mean psychological pleasure, and by pleasant I mean physical pleasure.)

But men, too, are unconsciously looking for the woman with whom they want to have children. And to determine whether that’s you, he also has some long-term desires.

Men actively scan to see if his woman would be a good mother

  • Are you caring towards the people you love? The way you treat your man shows what you would be like as a mother.
  • Are you an attentive mother or an ice queen? Of course, a man wants the mother of his children to be very good at raising them, and be someone who’s caring and can shower their children with love.

From an evolutionary standpoint, that also had an advantage.

In the past men were too busy fighting off bears, hunting mammoths, and keeping the tribe safe from threats.

We couldn’t keep an eye on the children all day.

Men are built to take action and don’t have the emotional intelligence to take good care of other people, no matter how small they are.

This doesn’t mean we’ll be terrible and unemotional dads who always prefer to go hunting over being with our own kids.

It just means that women are naturally better at this because your sense of empathy and emotional understanding are much further developed than ours.

So then the question becomes whether the woman is someone that uses her natural gifts to take good care of her children, or if she instead watches emotional series, cries all day, and complains in the evening. Then the man unconsciously feels less attracted to her.

Men love it when he’s in a relationship with a woman that takes care of him. And when a woman is less attentive to us, she’ll be seen as also being less caring for our children.

So keep it simple

Feel free to just copy them. In fact, do that. Thank me later 😉

Because I know he will love it and your relationship will become stronger because of it.

And as a result, this leads to more love in the world. So it’s for a great cause.

So without further ado…

Here are the 13 best ways to surprise your husband with an idea he’ll remember forever:

Idea #1: Surprise visit to a new city

Travel and holidays

A weekend trip is a very powerful way to strengthen the relationship between you and your partner. No matter how long you’ve been together.

It is not strange if you have been dating for a while and you have gotten into a rut. Perhaps you have a certain order of doing things and you don’t deviate much from your routines.

That eventually happens to everyone in a relationship.

It means you’ll inevitably get bored with each other, and the relationship becomes predictable and the passion disappears.

Try something new together

Research suggests there’s one key way to maintain the spark in a relationship: Try new things together.

Much of that research has been done by Arthur Aron, a professor of psychology at Stony Brook University.

It’s always a bit exciting when the person you care about takes you to a place, or for an activity you’ve never done before.

Doing something new takes you out of your normal rhythm, stimulates the brain on a primal level, and wakes you up.

Here are 3 great ways you can surprise him by traveling to a new city:

  1. You pick the destination beforehand, book flights, accommodation, and also have some idea of what to do when you arrive.
  2. You write down 5 potential destinations (each on a piece of paper) and tell him to pick a number. Whatever the note says is the destination you fly to. Figure out the rest later.
  3. You just tell him to pack his bags for a few days, go to the airport and roll the dice about where to go. Figure everything out when you land.

His ex-girlfriends might have taken him on trips before, but the second and third option will be very unique and spontaneous adventures where none of you know what will happen. In other words, Very exciting and a completely new experience for both of you.

And not only that…

Your relationship will be become much stronger because of it.

Through the way your brain works, the new emotions will make you associate your partner with the good times you’ve had over the weekend. Every time you see each other, you’ll remember what an amazing time you had.

Although it’s not necessary to do anything specific other than visiting a new city, here are some great couples activities you can do together when you get there:

  • Take a bike tour together.
  • Rent a limo that drives you around the city.
  • Visit a Turkish bath or another bathhouse.
  • Take a class together (cooking works great for example).
  • Have a picnic on the beach.
  • Rent a jet ski.
  • Rent a canoe and paddle around the city.
  • Floating in a ‘hot tug’ around the city.

Just to make sure you don’t run out of inspiration, here are 78 couple activities and fun things to do with him.

Idea #2: A spontaneous declaration of love

A spontaneous declaration of love

Although this isn’t enormously stimulating for men, it can be a nice mix to add.

Write a note about how much you love him and how attractive you think he is. And put the note in his bag.

Give him also a hint about what you’d like to do with him later that night.

Because, to get bonus points, you make the note a little sexual.

After all, you know that this stimulates men’s fantasies the most.

Idea #3: Make him his favorite meal

Woman cooking for man

Surprise him with a dinner you prepare for him

Take care of him.

This means that if he is crazy about steak. Then you figure out how to prepare delicious steak, and cook it just the way he likes it.

And if you don’t like to cook at all, you can of course just order in a takeaway from his favorite restaurant as well.

Just like a small child. He is not going to think about the trouble you had to go through to prepare this steak for him.

But when he puts that delicious meat in his mouth, he is going to think that you are absolutely amazing.

Here’s how to fool him and to make him even happier about it:

Tell him to pick up some lettuce or spinach on his way home because you need it for the pasta or another ‘ordinary dish’ you make often that he isn’t too fond of.

The moment when he comes home and sees what an amazing meal you’ve prepared for him, he’s going to be absolutely thrilled.

Preparing his favorite meal and wearing a sexy lingerie set are typical things he’ll always remember. More on this later…

Even though they’re very simple, they’re extremely effective ways to surprise your man.

Idea #4: Have him attend his favorite sporting event

Give him a great experience

Suppose your man is a huge fan of a major sports team or a certain MMA fighter in the UFC.

But he’s always watching the game at his friend’s house, and he’s never been to the arena before.

Why not get him tickets? Especially when this is difficult and you normally don’t like football or MMA. Then it’s a perfect surprise he won’t see coming.

He’ll be surprised if you suddenly support him in his favorite hobby.

And look at it this way:

He will unconsciously register that you’ll support your kids in whatever they wish to do. Regardless of whether you think it’s a good idea.

That’s a very attractive trait of a woman.

Idea #5: Give him a ride in a sports car

A ride in a sports car

This is a great surprise for his birthday and if you want to really blow him away.

A lot of men dream of having toys they can’t afford. These are often cars. And whether it’s a Porsche or a Maserati, they keep dreaming that they will someday own one.

And that may be the case, but why not surprise your husband or spouse by letting him drive one as a gift for a day?

There are many places where you can rent a luxury sports car for an afternoon or a whole day.

It doesn’t even cost that much.

Even the father of a friend of mine used to occasionally visit a showroom for expensive car brands, just to test-drive his favorite cars.

It shows how obsessed men can be with toys, no matter how old…

Have you already heard him talk about a certain type of car? Then the easiest way to go about it is to rent that exact one for a day. So he can enjoy the experience of driving it around.

Better yet, join him for the ride and share the experience with him. Fuel his manly ego by telling him what a great driver he is, and how safe you feel around him.

Idea #6: Surprise party with all of his closest friends

13 Ways To Surprise Your Husband Or Boyfriend With A Gift Or Idea He’ll Remember Forever 1

Imagine that he just comes home from work, or the gym, and all of his closest friends are waiting for him in the living room.

He’s going to get so happily surprised to see everyone that he doesn’t know who to hug first.

It’s just a really easy way to surprise him, and it doesn’t take too much time to do either.

All you need to do is to create a new Messenger or Whatsapp group with all of his closest friends and decide on a time and a date when it works for everyone.

He’s going to be thankful to you for organizing it.

Idea #7: Create a video collection from his loved ones

13 Ways To Surprise Your Husband Or Boyfriend With A Gift Or Idea He’ll Remember Forever 2

This is a very personal and touching one.

Men rarely truly express how they feel, especially not to each other.

Ask his closest friends and family members to record a short video and say how much they love him, and what he means to them.

Everyone has a smartphone these days and the video doesn’t have to be longer than 30 seconds or so.

Just tell them that you want to make him a personal video from all of his loved ones, and make him realize how much people love him, and how appreciative everyone is of him, and how special he is.

Men in general rarely receive any compliments or hear how well they’re doing something. So this is going to touch his heart deeply and become one of those videos he’ll watch hundreds of times and never forget.

And he’ll associate all of those good feelings with you.

The video doesn’t have to include any special effects. It’s mostly just ‘cut’ and ‘copy-paste’ one video after the other for one long video.

There are very simple and easy to understand how-to guides on YouTube where you can learn basic video editing in just a few hours.

But if you’re busy, or don’t feel like doing that then you can hire a freelancer from Fiverr to create the video for you for a very affordable price.

Idea #8: Stand on his doorstep wearing lingerie

Woman in lingerie, stockings and high heels

I know this sounds strange to you.

You can go through a lot of trouble for a man and do all kinds of crazy things to show him you love him.

But when you (for example on Valentine’s Day or on his birthday) are beautifully wrapped in a sexy lingerie set, and gorgeously wearing that under a long coat while you present yourself as a surprise in front of his doorstep with a bottle of wine…

Then he is going to think:

“I want to marry this woman.”

Indeed, it’s a little strange how men work. But he will think it’s extremely thoughtful and exciting, and that’s important to keep your relationship hot.

Use this idea to surprise your husband or boyfriend on his birthday or for no reason

Did you know that men are biologically programmed to desire as many different women as possible?

Ouch… I know it’s not nice to hear. But Mother Nature is ruthless.

Every human being has been given certain motives to ensure that he or she brings as many children as possible into this world.

If you remember what I mentioned earlier…

For you, as a woman, it’s crucial that your partner makes a real effort for you, and that he doesn’t leave you once you’re pregnant.

So from an evolutionary standpoint, it is important for you that you have ONE loyal partner.

But your boyfriend or husband on the other hand…

Men can get several women pregnant right after one another, and nature is aware of that too.

Men are evolutionarily programmed to impregnate as many different women as possible.

It’s in their nature.

Because it gives them as many children as possible and ensures that their genes live on.

Well, that was the bad news.

How about the good news?


Men may have a certain need to chase after a variety of women, but that doesn’t mean they’re all cheaters.

The reality is that if we find a great woman we love, we know how to control ourselves. Given that we feel like she’s the one for us.

But that doesn’t mean that he no longer has that thirst, or that he still doesn’t feel that need sometimes.

How wonderful would it be (and how grateful would he be) – if you could satisfy that need for him?

And offer a solution to that problem so he can indulge in that deep evolutionary need for variation?

That’s what you achieve when you’re wearing a lingerie set

By putting on a sexy lingerie set, it seems as if a new woman is standing at his doorstep.

His brain can’t distinguish between a new outfit, colored hair, and another woman.

This way you can satisfy his need for variation without involving someone else.

It’s because your man unconsciously thinks there’s a new woman in his bed. But at the same time, he doesn’t feel guilty because it’s you.

And don’t get me wrong.

Your man would love to stay with you and is undoubtedly monogamous. But an exciting sexual experience is fun for both of you.

Idea #9: Give him a great massage

Woman massaging a manWhen men ask a woman for advice on how to surprise their girlfriend, it’s normally “a massage“.

And, of course, it’s very nice to receive a massage as a woman.

But don’t forget your man.

If you know what he likes, and you can give him love and attention in this way, a massage is a wonderful thing to do for him.

The most important thing is that he enjoys it and that you focus on what feels good to him.

When you unexpectedly give him a massage, he’ll experience you as loving and caring. Given that you can see what he likes when massaging him.

And if you don’t know that yet, it’s a matter of trying things out and paying attention to his reaction in real-time when you are massaging him.

Idea #10: Unexpected Sex

Unexpected Sex

Suppose you go away with him for the weekend as we mentioned earlier.

You’ve dressed up nicely. You’ve chosen a fascinating city and you’ll fly there.

Once you’ve arrived, you’ll see magnificent sights and taste new and delicious food in an amazing restaurant.

And the place you’re staying at? It’s a beautiful hotel where the chandeliers and crystals are hanging from the ceiling shining elegantly.

And you had an amazing first day.

But what do you think your man remembers most about that day?

The moment you took off your clothes…

It’s a new place, so it’s time for a new sexual experience.

If I can teach you something, it’s that giving men a new sexual experience helps a lot in every way.

If you want to surprise him, and make him think about it for a very long time, do this…

Have sex with him in a place or at a time when he least expects it.

When you take the initiative, he’ll experience it as a wonderful surprise.

Have fun.

Idea #11: Learn a new trick in bed

Man blindfolding and handcuffing a womanAs I mentioned earlier, men are programmed to desire variety in bed.

If you can show him you can do “a new trick” in bed, then that’s great for him.

It’s like he is having sex with a new woman.

Especially if you’ve said before that “you’d never do that“.

In summary, anything that has anything to do with sex and respects his need for variation is great for a man.

Here you can read further about what men secretly want in bed, and how to make him addicted to you.

Idea #12: Roleplay – be his submissive for a day

13 Ways To Surprise Your Husband Or Boyfriend With A Gift Or Idea He’ll Remember Forever 3

If you are looking at ways to spice up your sex life and try out some new things, then this idea and also the next one are two great ways of achieving exactly this.

He’s going to go nuts for this one.

This one speaks directly to his sexual fantasies and strokes his ego as the strong man, and his will to dominate you.

You can leave a note, text him, or whisper in his ear in the morning:

“Today I’ll do anything you say, boss”

If you want to set some boundaries, then have those written down on a piece of paper or in the text. Rules: I don’t do X, Y, Z.

If he tells you to do something, you respond with “yes sir”. 

Ask him if there is anything you can do for him. You can also have some romantic activities planned, such as a massage.

He’s going to remember this surprise for the rest of his life.

Word of caution: This will bring out the beast in him and you’re likely going to have more sex in a day than you’ve ever had.

Idea #13: Roleplay – Treat him like a king for a day

13 Ways To Surprise Your Husband Or Boyfriend With A Gift Or Idea He’ll Remember Forever 4

This one also speaks directly to his ego and makes him feel like a god.

Tell him he’s your king today and that you’re here to serve him however he pleases.

That means:

  • Do everything for him.
  • Get his food for him.
  • Tell him how much you adore him, how good he looks and how great he is.

Tell him things like:

  • “Yes my lord”
  • “Your will is my command”
  • “I’m happy to please you however you like”

Just like the previous idea, this surprise will make him go absolutely crazy and you’re likely going to have more sex this day than you’ve had in a long time.

These were my best ideas to surprise your boyfriend or husband

If you really want to blow his mind and give him the best day he’s ever had – then combine some of these ideas with each other to make him feel even more special.

It’s ideas like this that make you really stand out from all of his ex-girlfriends (and most women in general), and chances are that he’s never experienced anything like it.

That means that he’ll absolutely love you and want to stay with you forever.

In fact, don’t forget to check out this article with 23 clear signs he’s in love with you.

And I do want to point out that he should be doing just as amazing things for you as well.

Let me know in the comments below what you decided to give him, and how happy he got 🙂


(The original version of this article I wrote in Dutch here)


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Tim Veninga is a dating coach, relationship coach and social psychology bestseller author from the Netherlands.  He has been featured in media like Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire & Elle.

Hi, I’m Tim Veninga. Since 2008 I’ve been coaching men and women to archieve succes and happiness in their love lives.

For years I’ve only been writing in Dutch, but in 2019 I started writing in English as well after many women asked for it.

If you want to get started learning the best of my advice, I recommend you download the 5 texting mistakes most women make.

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