Discover The Secret Language Of Men And Capture His Heart...
... Forever
If you want to be the woman that makes men crazy in love with you, you’ve come to the right place.
Are You Making These 5 Texting Mistakes?
Discover the 5 texting mistakes that scare men away (almost every woman makes 1... or more of them!)
Learn to deal with:
Commitment Phobic Men
Capture his heart forever and make the ‘commitment phobe’ commit to you.
Toxic Relationships
Find out how to avoid toxic relationships or fix them.
The Player
Learn how to change his ways and make him love you (and only you).
Narcissistic Men
Is he a narcissist? And if he is, what can you do about it?
Cheating Men
Discover what to do if you are dealing with a cheater.
His Midlife Crisis
Find out what to do to stop his midlife crisis.
Who is Tim Veninga?
Tim Veninga is the main coach of Change Him. Since 2008 he has been coaching men and women about their lovelives.
He started off as a unorthodox relationship-expert in the Netherlands where he is well known from his bestseller “Manslut” and articles in major newspapers, television interviews and features in Cosmopolitan, Glamour, Marie Claire, Grazia & Elle.
Thousands of men have asked him for coaching and told him their wishes and darkest secrets…
And now he teaches women how to use this to get the relationship they want.
Connect with Tim:
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